one more week to go and i shall struggle more for my assignments!! hahaha last week was a real tough and hectic week for me.. assignment mcm haram nk kene hantar everyday.. damn! ahaha setelah seminggu xcukup tido, akhirnya hari jumaat n sabtu n ahad dihabiskan dgn tido shj.. lol *ni la gara2 xnk buat assignment awal.. so padan muka sndri! ;p* but someway, somehow, i manage to finish everything up.. hooray and give a big clap for me.. lol
so my presentation for event last week went very well.. everything was great.. *byk sgt dugaan utk presentation ni* firstly, laptop wawa yg da siap sume assignment event, kene virus n xbole on langsung.. thank god my parts ada kat email wawa dat day.. kesian moon sbb kene re-do cz laptop dia rosak n dia pinjam org punyer.. so on last monday, me, wawa, moon n nas duduk kat library from 11am until maghrib n pegi class comm research dgn keadaan yg sgt selekeh utk hantar assignment. ptg tu, i have to edit my comm research group assignment utk hantar.. but then mlm tu, kene reject lg.. urghhh!
so the next day, my group was the last group yg kene present event.. our group punyer presentation went well, xbyk kene comment.. but yg mana kene comment, ktorg byk idea yg cover the mistakes on the spot.. *kate masscomm, kene la pandai manipulate!*
then ari jumaat ada presentation etr plak.. haha satu mlm xtido.. me, shiera berkampung kat bilik yuyu.. shiera kul 3 da tido.. yuyu da tersengguk2 kat dpn laptop sbb laptop dia yg biol tu bwat hal plak.. haha but i mampu bertahan sampai ke pagi.. so around 6.30, i kejut shiera n yuyu then i blk bilik sbb nk mandi.. tp siap sume kat bilik yuyu.. sbb sambil siap tu, ktorg goreng fries utk presentation.. smpi class, iman present dlu.. then baru our group.. tp malangnyer sir puasa pulak.. so mknn tu another lecturer mkn n budak2 class.. hehe masa time q n a for presentation tu, ada gak kene hentam sikit2 dgn both lecturer.. but then, kami berjaya menjawab secara spontan n bwat muka confident sbb xnk nmpk sgt yg ktorg nie menipu n xprepare.. after habis present tu, sir ckp well, ur group has been well prepared.. hahhaha ktorg one group just say thanx and senyum je.. lepas tu, trus gelak, sbb sir xtau yg ktorg baru start buat the day before.. lol
so moral of the story, buat la assignment awal2.. jgn bwat last minute.. sbb nnt kelam kabut, tension, stress n xckup tido.. amaran keras : JANGAN CONTOHI SAYA!
Thank you for your kind words. Cheers.